Council’s commitment to protecting biodiversity and the environment
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In 2012, Council adopted the first 10-year biodiversity strategy, as part of its commitment to protect, maintain and enhance biodiversity within the municipality, whilst encouraging community involvement.
The review was an opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of our conservation efforts so far, and ensure that we continue responding to the latest research findings and the most up-to-date industry practices.
Mayor of Brimbank, Cr Lucinda Congreve said that it is important that Council continue achieving its vision to conserve and manage our natural habitats and improve the sustainability of Brimbank’s natural environment.
“As a responsive Council, we are taking steps to retain and protect remaining native flora and fauna values in Brimbank, whilst raising community awareness and interaction with the natural environment.
“Under this strategy, we’ve achieved significant improvements in protecting native vegetation and species through planning scheme changes, and increasing the quality of grassland reserves through ecological burns and weed control measures.
“Council recognises the importance of providing opportunities that connect communities with native flora and fauna in our conservation reserves – one of the ways we do this is through Council’s extensive restoration programs.
“These are important steps in creating healthy environments, which are good for people and good for nature,” Cr Congreve said.
Council endorsed the Biodiversity Strategy 2012-2022 Review at its 20 November Ordinary Council Meeting.

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