Victoria police host International Counter Terrorism Forum

13:50' 10-12-2018
Victoria Police Counter Terrorism Command is pleased to partner with the Leadership in Counter Terrorism Alumni Association (LinCT-AA) to deliver the 2018 International Counter Terrorism Forum in Melbourne.


    The forum theme: ‘Solving the CT Puzzle – Informed, Innovative and Responsive’ will draw on the knowledge and experience of law enforcement, emergency management, government and academia experts from around the world.

    Deputy Commissioner Specialist Operations Wendy Steendam said the forum is based on the concept that terrorism prevention in the current environment is complex and requires challenging new ways of thinking.

    “In an evolving, dynamic and very complex environment the opportunity to be able to bring specialists together is invaluable,” DC Steendam said.

    “The recent counter terrorism arrests and events seen in Melbourne highlight’s the continual need for focus in this area.

    “Sharing knowledge and experiences from around the world will go along way to shape and lead innovation. As a collective we strive to look for the gaps and what pieces we may be missing to counter terrorism at its core.

    “We will reassess existing trends, look at what is happening now, what happened in the past and look to the future in order to inform our understanding of local, national and global threats.”

    This is the second time the conference will be held in Melbourne with the three day program to include presenters from a range of backgrounds including the UK’s Metropolitan Police, Commissioners’ from Queensland and New South Wales corrective services and recently retired Chief of Police from Edmonton Police Service.

    Other guests include:

    • one of the victims from the Lindt café siege

    • a representative from the S.Rajaratnam School of International Studies

    • the undersheriff from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department

    • the Australian Ambassador for Cyber Affairs and

    • emergency management, security and safety executives

    “The threat of terrorism and violent extremists has no bounds and that is how we have to police this ever emerging and complex issue,” DC Steendam said.

    “The forum removes our physical state, territory and international borders which I have no doubt will help create new and strengthen existing relationships in our united fight against terror.”

    Victoria Police Counter Terrorism Command was established in May 2015.

    The command assists all international and national stakeholders in education, training, prevention and disruption and provides a dedicated investigative and intelligence capability for the protection and safety of the Victorian community.

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