Opening more cellar doors to 10,000 extra international tourists
- Australia is the 6th largest wine producer and the 5th largest wine exporter, with two thirds of Australian wine exported
- Australian wine exports globally are forecast to reach a value of more than $2.8 billion in 2017-18
Photo: Escape
Assistant Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources, Anne Ruston, SA Minister for Primary Industries, Tim Whetstone and SA Minister for Trade and Tourism, David Ridgway, announced that each government has committed $1 million in funding to support the new promotional campaign.
"Wine production is one of South Australia's major agricultural industries, backed by our excellent global reputation for making a variety of superior wines," Minister Ruston said.
"The campaign will target our top wine markets—China, the United States and the United Kingdom—which are worth a combined $1.85 billion to Australia.
"When you think of South Australia, you think of wine."
The South Australian Wine Industry Association (SAWIA) will receive grant funding under the International Wine Tourism State Grants program to highlight local wine experiences to overseas markets.
"This new campaign will help spread the word about the quality of South Australia's wine industry to the world," Minister Whetstone said.
"Our $1 million contribution to marketing our wine regions demonstrates our strong commitment to supporting growers to reach their full economic potential, and strengthening the reputation of Australian wines internationally."
"10,000 more tourists to South Australia's wine regions will bring huge flow-on benefits for hotels, restaurants and other businesses," Minister Ridgway said.
"Our message to the world is that South Australia is open for business and our cellar door is always open."
The $5 million International Wine Tourism State Grants provide state wine associations with funding for international wine tourism research, planning and implementation activities.
The Australian Government is supporting Australia's wine industry through the $50 million Export and Regional Wine Support Package.
Fast facts
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