Employers recognised for support of Defence reservists
- U Physiotherapy and Clinical Pilates, Unanderra & Wollongong – Small Private Business
- Apis Group – Medium Private Business
- KPMG – Large Private Business
- Ambulance ACT – Public Sector
- Ainslie Out of School Hours Care – Not for Profit
Photo: australiandefence.com.au
The ceremony, held in Canberra on 9 August 2018 and hosted by the Defence Reserves Support Council (DRSC), recognised employers who have actively assisted their Australian Defence Force (ADF) Reservist employees within their civilian and military workplaces.
Chair of the ACT & SE NSW DRSC, Ms Anne Lyons, said the event highlighted the strong support many employers provided to ADF Reservists.
“Without the encouragement and support of their employers these Reservists would be unable to fulfil their duties that are vital to maintaining the ADF’s capability,” Ms Lyons said.
Head Reserve and Youth Division, Rear Admiral Bruce Kafer, said the employers acknowledged at last night’s awards ceremony had all been nominated by their employees.
“It is a huge testament to these businesses to be acknowledged by their Reservist employees as employers of choice,” Rear Admiral Kafer said.
Private Matthew Smith, an Army Reservist who nominated his employer ACT Ambulance, said he felt extremely well supported by the organisation, especially in terms of access to leave to meet his military training obligations.
“The Army Reserve training requirements in the first 12 months are significant. The fact that I have a senior management role in the ACT Ambulance organisation exacerbates the impact of me being away for Reserve activities. I would not have been able to achieve and experience the things I have with Army if I was not strongly supported by the organisation,” said Private Smith.
The awards ceremony provided an opportunity for employers to learn more about the programs offered by Defence Reserves Support, to gain a better understanding of the many roles Reservists undertake in the ADF, and to learn how their skills are transferable to their civilian workplaces.
For more information about the Employer Support Awards and the support available for ADF Reservists and their employers, visit www.defencereservessupport.gov.au.
List of winners:
Article sourced from news.defence.gov.au.