Supporting Australian VET students and the workers of the future
Karen Andrews says there are benefits in choosing VET. Picture: Richard Gosling
Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills, Karen Andrews MP said the Turnbull government has committed approximately $3 billion towards the VET sector in 2018-19 alone.
“The Australian Government’s providing around $1.5 billion to the states and territories through the Special Purpose Payment,” Minister Andrews said. “That is earmarked for VET, but how that money is spent is up to the state and territory recipients.
“The states and territories are ultimately responsible for funding their VET systems including TAFE.
“The Australian Government recognises how critical vocational education and training is to Australia’s economy and the delivery of services and infrastructure. That is why we won’t shy away from backing the sector.”
The Australian Government is backing Australian Apprenticeships with funding up to $189 million annually in the Australian Apprenticeship Support Network to make it easier for employers to recruit, train, retain and support apprentices.
There is also significant support for Australian Apprentices and their employers over the life of an apprenticeship. Up to $400 million annually through the Australian Apprenticeships Incentives Program for eligible employers commencing apprentices.
“Revitalising VET and restoring confidence in the sector is key to boosting future student numbers across the board, it will benefit students looking for a career, it will benefit Australia’s TAFEs and VET providers, employers and the Australian economy as well.”
The Australian Government’s working alongside the states and territories to help create up to an additional 300,000 apprenticeships through the estimated $1.5 billion Skilling Australians Fund.
Minister Andrews said states and territories signing on to the new SAF National Partnership Agreement would also meet the Government’s commitment dollar for dollar.
“We care about the status of VET and have taken real steps to once again promote it in the Australian community as a real and positive choice for all Australians.
“Revitalising the VET sector will boost jobs, it will help deliver the infrastructure and services we depend on, and it will offer a pathway to reward and success for hundreds of thousands of young people giving them the opportunity to acquire real skills for real careers.”

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