Stopping Family Violence Before It Starts In The West
Photo: Angie Greaves
Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence Natalie Hutchins announced a $400,000 funding package for family violence prevention programs today at the Victoria University (VU) Footscray campus.
VU has secured a grant of $110,000 to ensure women living on university campuses are properly supported when speaking out against violence.
Health West Primary Care Partnerships have received a $140,000 grant to work with male students at VU to better understand the drivers of family violence.
Women’s Information and Referral Exchange (WIRE) has also been successful in securing a $100,000 grant. WIRE provides free information, support and referral services to women. This funding will go towards training WIRE community volunteers to have conversations in the community on gender equality issues.
These grants are provided from the Free from Violence Fund which supports community groups to trial and evaluate new approaches to violence prevention.
Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-Operative and IPC Health will receive $50,000 under the Aboriginal Family Violence Primary Prevention Fund.
Their project ‘Healthy Kinships on Wathaurong Country’ will engage Elders and ‘Elders in training’ to address the drivers of family violence in the Aboriginal community.
More money will go towards preventing family violence and keeping victim survivors safe, as part of the Victorian Budget 2018/19. This includes $24 million to help change the attitudes that contribute to family violence and all forms of violence against women.
For more information on Free from violence: Victoria’s strategy to prevent family violence and all forms of violence against women, visit
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