Police charge man following Frankston assault

12:26' 30-07-2018
Police have interviewed two men following an assault in Frankston on Thursday night.

    Photo: News.com.au

    Investigators have been told a 43-year-old Frankston North man was allegedly assaulted by a man, who was in the company of two other men, on the Nepean Highway about 7.45pm on 26 July.

    Two men attended at the Frankston Crime Investigation Unit this morning and were questioned by detectives regarding the alleged assault.

    A 32-year-old Frankston South man has been charged with intentionally cause injury and is expected to appear at the Frankston Magistrates’ Court this morning.

    A second man was released pending further enquiries.

    Investigators would like to thank the public for their assistance in identifying the parties involved in this incident.

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Article sourced from vicpolicenews.com.au.

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