New Standards To Keep People Living With A Disability Safe

13:42' 15-03-2019
The Andrews Labor Government is establishing a Victorian-first Disability Worker Registration Board.

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    Minister for Disability and Ageing Luke Donnellan today launched a major recruitment drive to find suitable Board Members and a Chairperson.

    The Disability Worker Registration Board will help set quality standards for the registration of disability workers and will screen individuals for their suitability to become registered disability workers.

    The public will be able to raise concerns and complaints with the board about registered disability workers, ensuring those who mistreat vulnerable people with a disability are detected.

    The Disability Worker Registration Board will collect data and create an easy-to-access public register, so people living with a disability and their families can check on the registration of a disability worker to test their suitability.

    While Scott Morrison and the Federal Liberals have finally acknowledged the long-overdue need for a Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, work has been under way in Victoria to improve quality and safety of care for much longer.

    A 2016 Parliamentary Inquiry into abuse in disability services highlighted the need to build a culture of zero tolerance of abuse, supported by a skilled and qualified workforce.

    The Labor Government responded with new safeguards to protect people with a disability, including legislation to embed a culture of zero tolerance, expanding the Disability Worker Exclusion Scheme and creating a new registration and accreditation scheme for workers.

    To find out more and apply, visit

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