Let’s build a safer community together

12:48' 14-09-2018
Brimbank Council is putting the spotlight on safety during Community Safety Month this October – with a series of events focusing on personal and community safety.

    Photo: istockphoto

    Brimbank Mayor Cr Margaret Giudice said safety was important to everyone in our community – including Council, government, agencies, businesses and residents.

    “We all want, need and deserve to feel safe, whether we’re at home or out and about.

    “We’ll look at steps we can all take which not only help us to feel safe, but help build the kind of community we want to be part of.”

    “Everyone has a role to play in helping to create the community that we want to be part of – one that is safe, healthy and connected.

    “During Community Safety Month, Council will provide opportunities to learn, share knowledge and explore different ways that we can improve safety at home and in the community,” Cr Giudice said.

    Council will offer a range of information sessions and workshops on topics including:

    •              personal safety

    •              crime prevention

    •              community connection

    •              and preventing and reducing alcohol and drug harm.

    These topics relate to the four priority areas of Brimbank’s Community Safety Strategy 2015-2019. The Strategy reflects a long term vision for a safe, healthy and connected community in Brimbank and action the whole community will take to achieve this.

    Event highlights include Storytime with Victoria Police at Deer Park and Sydenham libraries; Walking safety audits of local neighbourhoods; Personal and home safety workshops with Victoria Police; and drug and alcohol information sessions for parents and the community.

    For event details including dates and locations, visit brimbank.vic.gov.au/events

    For more information about community safety and how you can get involved, visit brimbank.vic.gov.au/community/community-safety.

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Article sourced from brimbank.vic.gov.au.

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