Investing In Young Media Professionals
Photo: Bond Moroch
Minister for Youth Affairs Jenny Mikakos today announced funding of $400,000 over four years for Student Youth Network Media’s Youth in Community Radio program, to begin in 2019.
In 2015, the Labor Government doubled its funding for SYN Media from $200,000 to $400,000 to expand the program, create a new radio broadcasting mentoring initiative and provide more training for rural and regional young people wanting to volunteer at their local community radio station.
As a result, more than 970 young people have gained valuable skills and experience in planning, content development and production of radio and television programs and other digital media over the past three years.
More than 30 young people have also received one-on-one mentoring from industry professionals, while 200 young regional Victorians have attended SYN Media workshops on innovative models for youth radio.
This investment has also focused on building their leadership and management capacity, including governance training and workshops for volunteers in management and operational roles at SYN Media.
SYN Media is widely acknowledged as the leading youth media organisation in Victoria, providing extensive opportunities for young Victorians to develop skills and career pathways in the media industry.
The Labor Government is creating more opportunities for rural and regional young Victorians, as outlined in Youth Policy: Building Stronger Youth Engagement in Victoria.
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