Forum to shine light on violence against women

12:45' 11-10-2018
A Brimbank #MeToo Forum will shine a spotlight on violence against women and explore some of the issues surrounding this important and complex topic.

    Brimbank Mayor Cr Margaret Giudice said the Brimbank #MeToo Forum to be held on Thursday 25 October was part of Council’s commitment to promoting gender equality, and preventing family violence and violence against women.

    Photo: Al Jazeera

    “This exciting event will provide an opportunity for people to hear a diverse range of perspectives on this issue – including learning about services, the legal context and hearing the perspective of a survivor.

    “All of the speakers will also take part in a Q&A session – providing a chance for us to really explore these issues and how they affect the Brimbank community,” Cr Giudice said.

    Minister for Women and Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence Natalie Hutchins MP will give the keynote speech at the event.

    Other speakers will include:

    • Kamna Muddagouni, Senior Lawyer, Equality Law Program, Victoria Legal Aid
    • Michal Morri, CEO, In Touch Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence
    • Cathy, safe steps Family Violence Response Centre Survivor Advocate

    Cr Giudice said the event aimed to raise awareness about violence against women, empower people to call out violence when they see it, and create an environment where people who have experienced violence are able to speak out and seek support.

    “MeToo is a global, social movement that has brought to light hundreds of high profile reports of sexual misconduct and violence against women.

    “MeToo now provides an instantly recognisable label for many of the issues that Council has been working to address for some years now.

    “Brimbank Council is committed to preventing violence against women, promoting gender equality, and supporting victims of violence.

    “We believe that Local Government can and should take a lead role in promoting gender equity and preventing family violence and violence against women, as well as supporting people who have experienced violence.

    “We can do this through sharing knowledge, demonstrating best practice, and strengthening community,” Cr Giudice said.

    Council is in its fourth year of implementing the "Brimbank City Council’s Plan to Prevent Men’s Violence Against Women: Towards Gender Equity 2015-2019".

    Under this plan, Council works with partners and the broader community to advance gender equity and promote the optimal health, safety and wellbeing of Brimbank residents.

    #MeToo Forum

    When: 25 October 2018, 6-9.30pm

    Where: Victoria University – Gate 1, 460 Ballarat Road, Sunshine

    RSVP essential:

    Light refreshments included. There is no charge to attend this event.

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