Essential Services Commission Chairperson Steps Down

13:40' 21-01-2019
Dr Ron Ben-David will step down as the head of the Essential Services Commission later this year, seeing out his 10-year term in the role.

    Photo: ABC

    Dr Ben-David was appointed as the chair and one of the ESC’s three commissioners in 2008.

    The Andrews Labor Government will now begin an open process to seek his replacement, ahead of his term officially ending on 31 May.

    During his time as Chairperson, Dr Ben-David has overseen the implementation of a world-leading pricing framework for regulated water prices, obligations on water businesses to assist customers experiencing family violence and a new regulatory framework for the Port of Melbourne.

    Dr Ben-David previously headed up the Commonwealth Secretariat for the Garnaut Climate Change Review and was a Deputy Secretary in the Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet.

    The ESC is Victoria’s independent regulator of essential services supplied by the electricity, gas, water, ports, rail freight and taxi industries.

    The Commission will be responsible for delivering key aspects of the Labor Government’s Energy Fairness Plan – the biggest regulatory shake-up of the energy sector in Victoria’s history – providing stronger penalties for retailers who do the wrong thing and better protections for customers.

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