Delivering A Great Local School For Bentleigh

14:13' 13-08-2018
Bentleigh families will get the world-class local school their kids deserve, with a re-elected Andrews Labor Government to deliver a massive upgrade to Tucker Road Bentleigh Primary School.

    Photo: Tucker Road Bentleigh Primary School

    Labor will invest more than $4.5 million for a new building that will house state of the art classrooms and a modern administration area, and expand the new gym to include a canteen.

    The Liberals didn’t spend a single cent on Tucker Road Bentleigh Primary School and slashed $1 billion out of our education system, leaving schools to crumble and decay across the state.

    The Labor Government has already invested $3 million to build a new gym and netball court at Tucker Road Bentleigh Primary School, with construction currently underway.

    There’s still more to do and only Labor will deliver the state of the art facilities students and staff need to achieve their best.

    The Labor Government has invested more than $3.8 billion to build 70 new schools and upgrade 1,300 schools across the state since coming to office in 2014.

    That means thousands of Victorian kids now go to school every day and learn in new classrooms with better technology and facilities, like new gyms and science labs.

    It’s also helped create 5,000 construction jobs for Victorians right around our state.

    A re-elected Labor Government will keep delivering for Victorians with more new schools and upgrades to existing schools across the state.

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