Defence Trade Controls Act Review
Marise Payne. Photo:
Dr Thom is a former Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security and a former Deputy Commonwealth Ombudsman overseeing law enforcement, immigration, taxation and defence agencies.
Minister Payne said the Defence Trade Controls Act is an important element in the Government’s continuing effort to protect current and future national security and Australian Defence Force (ADF) capability.
The Act regulates the supply of military and dual-use technology overseas and brokering in defence goods and technology. The Act is required to be reviewed after two years.
“The review of the Act will consider the adequacy of both safeguards of national defence capability and its operation to prevent trade and collaboration that could advance the military capabilities of potential adversaries or see the transfer of technology that would not be in Australia’s national interests.”
“This review is also important to ensure the Act appropriately balances the protection of national defence capability, while not unnecessarily restricting trade, innovation or research collaboration.”
Dr Thom will undertake public consultation including direct engagement with key stakeholders.
The review, which will take about 6 months, will be publicly released in due course.
The Terms of Reference are available at:
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