2018-2021 counter terrorism strategy launched
Picture: News Corp Australia
The strategy is designed to provide a blueprint for a coordinated response to the terrorism threat, focusing on the core areas of prevention, protection, disruption and response.
It also identifies a range of actions and activities to support each of these focus areas.
Assistant Commissioner Ross Guenther said it was important that Victoria Police continues to monitor and refine our approach to counter terrorism given its complex and evolving nature.
“The threat of terrorism in Victoria and Australia is highly dynamic, with a number of local and international factors that can impact the environment,” he said.
“It can be difficult to anticipate how threats will evolve and we need to constantly be alert to the possibility of threats emerging from new and unexpected sources.
“The threat of terrorism can come from multiple sources and be inspired by a range of ideological or political causes – we need to be able to manage these threats, regardless of source or motivation.
“I’m confident this strategy will assist with enhancing and developing our current capabilities while ensuring we continue to be world leaders in responding to the threat to our community.”
Included in the strategy is a range of key activities including:
• Delivery of early intervention programs and support for community rehabilitation and reintegration programs
• Continued engagement with industry, government and international partners
• Maintenance of strong intelligence collection and investigative capabilities
• Conducting a range of exercises involving Victorian, interstate and Commonwealth agencies along with private industry
• Continued enhancement of our forensic capabilities
• Expanding the role of the Victorian Fixated Threat Assessment Centre
AC Guenther said that early intervention remained key.
“Prevention is far better than cure and we’re committed to stopping people from seeking to engage in terrorist behavior,” he said.
“In the past year we’ve seen the establishment of the Victorian Fixated Threat Assessment Centre, which gives us the opportunity to have police and mental health professionals work alongside each other to manage potential threats from fixated persons.
“It is far more beneficial to the entire community to stop people from who are seeking to engage in any terrorist activities in the first place.
“These incidents have damaging effects across society, including heightening existing tensions, negatively impacting perceptions of safety and the potential for them to be used as propaganda.
“We’re committed to identifying and supporting Victorians who are at risk of being radicalised to violence with the aim of preventing them from engaging in illicit behavior, and also looking to address their ideological, social and mental health needs.”
Other key activities around early prevention will include training for police to identify early indicators of radicalisation to violence, exploring legislative options, research into radicalisation, continued contribution to national capabilities and continued evaluation of methodologies.
The Counter Terrorism Command was established in 2015 as a result of Victoria Police recognising the increasingly complex and threatening nature of the security environment.
The command brings together core counter terrorism functions, along with a range of other resources and capabilities such as specialist investigators, analytical teams, forensic psychologists, researchers and more.
The 2018-21 Counter Terrorism Strategy is available for download at 9.00am: https://www.police.vic.gov.au.
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Article sourced from vicpolicenews.com.au.