Helping Australian Families To Live Free From Violence
14:06' 27-11-2018
The Department of Human Services is often the first place those experiencing domestic violence turn to when in crisis, with the agency providing significant help and support to tens of thousands of families each year.
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The Department delivered crisis payments to about 50 people a day last financial year and more than 63,000 individuals received support from our network of more than 700 social workers based around the country.
Marking the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, Minister for Human Services and Digital Transformation Michael Keenan said everyone had a right to live free from violence.
“My Department is deeply committed to helping those in need and I am proud to say that 22,000 of our employees have now undergone special training to help them proactively identify people at risk,” Mr Keenan said.
“This training enables us to engage in early intervention and direct people to the wide range of support that is available to them, both from the Government and external partner agencies.
“For those unable to come into one of our service centres, support information is available online 24 hours a day. Our Family and Domestic Violence web pages were viewed almost 190,000 times last year.
“These online resources are also available in 28 languages so it’s easier for culturally and linguistically diverse communities to find out about the support that’s available.”
If you or someone you know is experiencing family or domestic violence, please contact the national sexual assault and family and domestic violence counselling service on 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732) or visit
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