Visit to the United States

20:46' 31-01-2019
I will visit New York City and Washington DC from 28 to 30 January to discuss key issues with senior representatives from the United Nations and the United States.

Photo: News

In New York, I will meet UN Secretary-General António Guterres to discuss key Indo-Pacific and global issues.

In Washington I will deliver a keynote address on Australia-US regional cooperation during the US-Australia Dialogue on Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific, which is part of this year’s G’Day USA public diplomacy program.

G’Day USA is an important annual public diplomacy program through which Australian perspectives, innovation and talent are promoted to influential audiences in the United States.

In my remarks I will emphasise Australia and the United States’ shared efforts to address regional needs, such as infrastructure, energy, health, and economic development in the Indo-Pacific. 

While in Washington, I will also reinforce Australia’s deep commitment to our Alliance with the United States in meetings with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Security Adviser John Bolton, as well as senior representatives of Congress and the US intelligence community.

These meetings will take forward the significant strategic agenda to which Australia and the United States have committed, building on the outcomes of AUSMIN in July last year. 

The United States is Australia’s key strategic and economic partner. We have a shared military history going back 100 years, and today work closely to promote stability and prosperity in our region and beyond.

Our economic relationship, underpinned by the Australia-US Free Trade Agreement, is thriving. The United States is among our largest trading partners, and is by far our leading investment partner.

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