Army equipment on display in Canberra

12:32' 28-08-2018
The Australian Army has today displayed a range of equipment and capabilities in Canberra for Army Demonstration Day 2018.

Photo: Navy Daily - Royal Australian Navy

A wide range of equipment capabilities were on show, such as a number of armoured vehicles – including an M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tank – Hawkei and Bushmaster protected mobility vehicles, artillery, air defence systems, and a variety of individual soldier combat weaponry and protective equipment.

Army’s ground capabilities were joined by air assets, including the Wasp and Black Hornet Unmanned Aerial Systems, and a Tiger Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter that landed in Russell’s Blamey Square for the event.

Head Land Capability, Major General Kathryn Toohey, said the annual demonstration day was a great opportunity to showcase the variety of modern equipment and latest technology used by Army on operations to respond to emerging and changing threats.

“The equipment on display today represented just some of the capability available to the Army,"Major General Toohey said.

"As we continue our modernisation efforts, we are committed to working with industry and researchers to generate a capability advantage for the Army to ensure we are future ready.”

The equipment on show at Army Demonstration Day will form part of the Australian Defence Force display at the Australian Defence Force Academy Open Day on 25 August 2018.

 Further information on Army’s equipment and vehicles can be found at:


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