Teen charged following Collingwood affray and hit-run

12:46' 14-09-2018
Yarra Crime Investigation Unit Detectives have charged a Cranbourne man in relation to an alleged hit-run in Collingwood on 2 September.

Photo: a2zstories

The 18-year-old man was arrested this morning at a business in Dandenong and charged with ten charges including intentionally cause serious injury, conduct endangering life and assault and traffic related offences.

He will appear at Melbourne Magistrates’ Court this afternoon.

About 2am an affray broke out outside the licensed premises in Collingwood, during which time a vehicle was driven erratically through Mater Street, colliding with a male victim.

The 18-year-old victim suffered serious injuries to his leg and remains in hospital.

A second man, aged 18 from Narre Warren was arrested at a school today and has since been released pending further enquiries.

The investigation remains ongoing.

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Article sourced from vicpolicenews.com.au.