Police custody officer detected drink driving

11:32' 25-06-2018
An off-duty male Police Custody Officer was allegedly detected drink driving in Cheshunt on Saturday (23 June).

Photo: TheJournal.ie

Police pulled over the vehicle on Rose River Road as a routine intercept about 10.10pm.

The driver of the car, a police custody officer from Eastern Region, returned a positive preliminary breath test and was taken to a police station where he returned a reading of 0.099 per cent.

He will be issued with an infringement notice for drink driving and his licence will be suspended for 6 months.

Professional Standards Command has been notified as per standard procedure.

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Moira Deeming MLCParliament of Victoria Vùng: Caroline Springs. Phone: 8363 0288
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Article sourced from vicpolicenews.com.au.