Major milestone on NorthLink WA

12:34' 15-08-2018
Construction of NorthLink WA’s biggest free-flowing freeway-to-freeway interchange has reached a major milestone with the first Reid Highway bridge over the Tonkin Highway opening to traffic this weekend.

Photo: Main Roads WA

The new interchange will deliver a constant average speed of 80km/h and allow traffic to flow in all directions – making trips shorter and safer for motorists.

The Turnbull Government has committed $820.84 million to fund the $1.02 billion NorthLink WA project in partnership with the Western Australian State Government, an investment that will create jobs, stimulate economic growth and reduce congestion.

The entire NorthLink WA project will deliver much-needed extra road capacity to Perth's northeast, ensuring we address future demand as Ellenbrook’s population grows from 23,000 to a forecast 47,000 by 2031.

From the morning of Sunday 12 August, the way motorists use the Tonkin/Reid Highway intersection will change when the new bridge opens to traffic.

The traffic lights will be removed at the intersection and a temporary roundabout put in place until mid-2019, eliminating one of the state’s most dangerous intersections.

The temporary roundabout will be located 500 metres northwest of the current traffic signals, allowing for the permanent switch of traffic onto the new Reid Highway bridge.

New ramps in the interchange will open progressively as construction continues.

Future works on the central section of NorthLink WA include interchanges at Hepburn Avenue, Gnangara Road and The Promenade at Ellenbrook, with flyovers at Beechboro Road North and Marshall Road.

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