Australia to assist Greece with fire recovery efforts

13:34' 02-08-2018
Australia will provide disaster assistance to Greece following the devastating fires that struck near Athens on 23 July.

Photo: Neos Kosmos

This tragic event has claimed 92 lives, with several people remaining missing.  Our thoughts and those of the Australian people are with the people of Greece who have been affected by this catastrophic event.

Australia will send 10 Disaster Assistance Response Team members from Fire and Rescue NSW and Victoria Fire and Emergency Services. The team will conduct fire impact assessments in the affected areas.

We are well placed to support Greece in recovery efforts, drawing on our experience of devastating bushfires at home.  

The Assistance Response Team will be supported by Crisis Response Officers from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Emergency Management Australia, who will assist Greece to plan and coordinate recovery efforts.

Australia and Greece have a longstanding and close friendship. We stand together with Greece during its time of need.

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