Record Investment Continues To Drive A Safer Victoria
Photo: Premier of Victoria
Minister for Police Lisa Neville today joined Ron Iddles OAM APM, the Community Safety Trustee, for the release, with the report highlighting the important work done to strengthen Victoria Police, crack down on crime and deliver better community safety outcomes for Victorians.
The trustee is tasked with monitoring the progress of the delivery of the initiatives funded in the Andrews Labor Government’s Community Safety Statement. Out of the 60 initiatives the Trustee examined in his report, more than half (31) have been completed or closed, with 29 measures underway and progressing well.
Some of the initiatives already delivered include the rollout of Police Custody Officer Supervisors, tougher firearms laws and stronger bail laws for serious offences.
These reforms are starting to have a real impact, with a 9.5 per cent decrease in the crime rate, according to data from the independent Crime Statistics Agency for the 12 months to 31 March 2018.
The biggest recruitment drive in the history of Victoria Police which will add 3,135 police to the force over the next four years is well underway, with the rollout of this year’s allocation of 825 new police, including family violence specialists, underway and due to be completed by middle of next year.
There are now 1,324 more full time equivalent police than when we came to government, with thousands more officers to come.
Victoria Police is also deploying mobile technology to officers on the frontline, a cutting-edge intelligence system that can analyse more than 86 million records in a matter of seconds, and body worn cameras to 61 police stations.
The Trustee’s next report will continue to focus on the implementation of CSS initiatives, as well as the Community Safety Statement 2018-19, which was released in April this year. The full assurance report is available on the Department of Justice and Regulation’s website.
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