Police investigate Kensington armed robbery

13:11' 12-02-2019
Detectives from Melbourne Embona Robbery Taskforce are investigating the circumstances surrounding an armed robbery which occurred in Kensington on Sunday.

Photo: vicpolicenews

Investigators have been told a man entered a supermarket on Smithfield Road about 7pm with a hatchet and told the attendant to get away from the register.

The cashier jumped the counter and the offender helped himself to cash and cigarettes.

He left the store but was confronted by witnesses at the corner of Woodruff and Westbourne streets.

The offender dropped the cigarettes and ran from the scene.

Investigators have released images of a man they believe may be able to assist with their enquires.

Anyone with information is urged to call Crime Stoppers Victoria on 1800 333 000 or make a confidential report at www.crimestoppersvic.com.au.

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Article sourced from premier.vic.gov.au.