Police investigate Coburg North hit-run

14:04' 24-09-2018
Fawkner Highway Patrol officers are investigating a hit-run collision in Coburg North on Saturday (22 September).

Photo: Twitter@VictoriaPolice

It is understood an organised car meet had taken place at a drive-in on Newlands Road from 11am.

Police have been told one of the show organisers was marshalling cars out of the venue at the end of the event when one of the cars performed a low-speed burnout.

The man attempted to confront the male driver before he was struck by the sedan shortly before 4pm and carried a short distance.

The vehicle failed to stop at the scene and was last seen heading south towards Murray Road.

The victim, believed to be aged in his 30s, sustained non-life threatening injuries but did not require hospital treatment.

Fawkner Highway Patrol Acting Senior Sergeant Dean Pickering said the situation could have been a lot worse and appealed for the driver to come forward.

“It was a very deliberate action and decision for that driver to do what he did – it has gone from a burnout to a serious criminal matter,” Acting Sen-Sgt Pickering said.

“It is only fortunate that the victim did not wind up with more serious injuries, given the circumstances.

“I would appeal for the driver to do the right thing and hand himself in.”

Police are appealing for anyone with information or who witnessed the incident to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or submit a confidential report online at www.crimestoppersvic.com.au.

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Article sourced from vicpolicenews.com.au.