Police charge pair following series of armed robberies in Western Victoria
Photo: Triple M
The first incident allegedly occurred on 21 October at a licensed venue on High Street, Ararat about 12.35am.
The second incident occurred at a sporting club on Albert Street on 29 October about 11.50pm.
The third incident occurred at the same licensed venue on High Street, Ararat on 18 November about 10.30pm.
No staff were physically injured during the robberies.
A 31-year-old Melton West man has been charged with two counts of armed robbery relating to incidents on 21 October and 18 November.
He has been remanded to appear at Melbourne Magistrates’ Court on 12 February.
A 41-year-old Sebastopol man has been charged with two counts of armed robbery relating to the incidents on 29 October and 18 November.
He has been remanded to appear at Ballarat Magistrates’ Court on 21 February.
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Article sourced from vicpolicenews.com.au.