Own vacant land? Cut long grass ahead of annual inspections

13:32' 09-10-2018
Do you own a block of vacant land in Brimbank? Is your property neat and tidy?

Photo: GreenSocks

Owners of vacant land in Brimbank are being reminded to cut long grass ahead of annual inspections starting next month, from 1 November 2018.

Under Brimbank’s Local Law vacant land owners are required to maintain their property in a neat and tidy manner – keeping grass, weeds and undergrowth at a height less than 150mm (15cm).

This is particularly important heading into summer when the risk of grass fire increases.

Owners of vacant blocks that don’t meet the requirements will be issued with a notice to comply in early November, before follow up inspections take place later in the month.

Owners of blocks that do not comply following a second inspection will be issued with an $800 fine. Council may also arrange for the clearance of the land at the owner’s expense.

For more information contact Brimbank City Council on 9249 4000 or read about obligations for owning a vacant property in Brimbank in the General Local Law 2018 at brimbank.vic.gov.au.


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Dr Daniel Mulino Vùng: Sunshine. Phone: (03) 9070 1974
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Article sourced from brimbank.vic.gov.au.