New Emergency Management Commissioner Appointed

13:03' 08-08-2018
Minister for Emergency Services James Merlino today announced the appointment of Victoria Police Deputy Commissioner Andrew Crisp APM as the state’s new Emergency Management Commissioner.

Photo: ABC News: James Oaten

Mr Crisp has almost 40 years experience in policing roles across regional and metropolitan Victoria and overseas, including key emergency management leadership positions. He also brings to the role strong national relationships in both policing and emergency management.

As a Deputy Commissioner, he has led frontline policing services across Victoria as well as the force’s State Emergencies and Support, Family Violence, and Transit and Public Safety commands.

Mr Crisp’s recent achievements include an enhanced focus on the wellbeing of Victoria Police employees, overseeing responses to the Bourke Street and Flinders Street tragedies and leading significant reductions in Victoria’s crime rate.

In recent years Mr Crisp has led projects to strategically enhance Victoria Police’s aviation and specialist public order and tactical capability. He is a strong proponent of diversity and inclusion in the workplace as well as being a vocal advocate to stopping violence against women and children.

Prior to his current role, Mr Crisp’s responsibilities included a specialist command that focused on counterterrorism, countering violent extremism, critical infrastructure protection and emergency management coordination.

He has also worked closely with fire agencies for a number of years. Mr Crisp has been a member of the State Emergency Management Team, State Coordination Team and co-chair of the Emergency Management Joint Public Information Committee working through major fires such as Wye River.

Mr Crisp will start as Commissioner at Emergency Management Victoria on Monday 13 August 2018.

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