Investing in quality journalism
Photo: Medium
The grants are part of a $60 million Government package designed to help drive public interest journalism in the face of unprecedented changes in technology and industry.
The Regional and Small Publishers’ Jobs and Innovation Package includes scholarships for university students and cadetships to be delivered by small and regional publishers.
For the first funding round thirty scholarships per year of up to $40,000 each will be made available for eligible universities, exclusively for journalism students from regional and rural areas. The scholarships will help students pay for their tuition and living costs.
There are 100 cadetships on offer in this round, also valued up to $40,000 each. At least 80 per cent of the cadetships will be for regional publishers, the rest will go to small metropolitan publishers. Regional and small publishers can use the money to help pay for hiring and training cadets.
Applications are now open for the programs and will close on 27 July 2018.
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