Date Set For 2009 Victorian Bushfire Commemoration

12:26' 08-01-2019
Victorians will gather for a commemoration service in February to acknowledge the significant impact of the 2009 Victorian Bushfires.

Photo: Border Chronicle

The anniversary will be a time for reflection as Victorians remember the catastrophic bushfires and the loss of 173 lives.

Many more were injured and lost their homes, with the memories of these events having long lasting impacts on a number of communities.

A State anniversary commemoration will be held on Monday 4 February 2019 at the Royal Exhibition Building in Carlton Gardens. The event is being held on this date to allow for communities to hold their own events during the week or spend time with themselves during what will be a difficult time.

This will be in addition to a number of community commemoration services organised locally with funding support from the Andrews Labor Government.

The Labor Government is providing funding for various 10 Year Anniversary projects including:

  • A Community Arts Grants Program
  • A Commemoration and Community Development Grants Scheme
  • Targeted teaching and learning support for schools
  • Expanded mental health and psychological support services.

Consultations have been undertaken with survivors and the bereaved community about the State anniversary commemoration, and full details about the event will be released shortly.

For updates about the State anniversary event, please visit

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