Australia-Indonesia Institute Chair

14:04' 19-12-2018
I am pleased to announce the appointment of Associate Professor Greg Fealy as Chair of the Australia-Indonesia Institute.

Photo: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Established in 1989, the Australia-Indonesia Institute fosters links between Australia and Indonesia by increasing cultural awareness, promoting cooperation and exchange, and enhancing understanding between our two nations.

The board brings together individuals with expertise in academia, business, the arts, education, medicine and the media to advise the Government on ways to continue to strengthen Australia’s cultural, people-to-people and institutional links with Indonesia.

Associate Professor Fealy is a recognised expert on Indonesia and Islam in Indonesia. He teaches at the Australian National University’s College of Asia and the Pacific, regularly advises governments, international organisations and businesses, and recently served as Interim Chair of the Institute.

I look forward to working with Associate Professor Fealy and the members of the Australia-Indonesia Institute Board to promote friendship, understanding and opportunity between Australia and Indonesia.

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