Page 71 - Số báo đặc biệt về COVID-19 và đặc trang Phong cách sống, Danh bạ người Việt Melbourne và Rao vặt - Viet Times ePublication, Friday 10/4/2020
P. 71

Mục lục <News> • Live Radio Friday, April 10, 2020 • Viet Times 71tionally consistent approach to hardship sup- port across the essential services for households and small businesses.The Commonwealth is already taking action across the energy and telecommunications sec- tors to scale-up hardship support provided by those industries.State and territory governments agreed to adopt similar principles for the essential servic- es within their remit, including water utilities and local governments. They will work with the organisations supplying those services to apply the principles to each sector.The principles will also ensure accessing sup- port for essential services is as simple and easy as possible. They specify that businesses eligible for the JobKeeper payment will automatically be considered to be under ‘financial stress’ for the purposes of accessing hardship arrangements.These principles, modelled on the Govern- ment’s recently released Statement of Expecta- tions for the energy sector, include:

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